Multi-purpose Optimal Control Strategy of a Five-Level Active Neutral-Point Clamped Inverter Based on Zero-Sequence Voltage Injection |
Wang Kui1 , Zheng Zedong1 , Li Yongdong1,2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Control and Simulation of Power System and Generation Equipments Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China; 2. Xinjiang University Urumqi 830046 China |
Abstract A multi-purpose optimal control strategy of a five-level active neutral-point clamped (ANPC) inverter was studied in this paper, including the neutral-point (NP) potential balancing control, switching frequency optimization and common-mode voltage reduction. A NP potential balancing algorithm based on zero-sequence voltage injection was presented. By calculating the NP currents of all key zero-sequence voltages, the most appropriated zero-sequence voltage was selected to generate the demanded NP current, which can make the NP voltage ripple lowest. In addition, by further limiting the region of injected key zero-sequence voltages, the series connected IGBTs can operate at fundamental frequency and the amplitude of common-mode voltage can be reduced to a quarter of the DC-link voltage. Experimental results are presented to verify the validity of this control strategy.
Received: 27 April 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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