Frequency Domain Coupled Model between Magnetic and Electric Circuits of DC Biased Transformers by Harmonic Balance Method |
Zhao Xiaojun1, Zhang Xiaoxin1, Li Huiqi1, Zhu Quanle2 |
1. North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China; 2. State Power Economic Research Institute 100052 China |
Abstract A laminated core and a single-phase three-limb transformer are applied to carry out the DC biasing experiment. The harmonic balance method is combined with the electromagnetic coupling circuit model of transformers in different structures, according to the steady-state characteristics of electric and magnetic circuit under DC bias condition. The harmonic balance equation is set up to compute the harmonic vectors of exciting current and magnetic flux by updating the nonlinear reluctance in frequency domain. The calculated results coincide with the measured ones, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Harmonic analysis of harmonic vectors is carried out to analyze the affect of DC bias to the exciting current and magnetic flux.
Received: 30 August 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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