TEAM P21-Based Validation of 3-D Stray-Field Modeling and Simulation |
Cheng Zhiguang, Liu Tao, Fan Yana, Liu Lanrong, Zhao Zhigang, Liu Yang, Han Guisheng |
Baoding Tianwei Group Co. Ltd Baoding 071056 China |
Abstract TEAM(testing electromagnetic analysis methods) Problem 21 was proposed by the authors in November 1993, as one of the benchmark problems officially established by the International Compumag Society. This paper briefly overviews the industrial and computational electromagnetics background and continuous progress of TEAM Problem 21, summarizes the Problem 21-based calculated and measured results, and the new developments of Problem 21 Family incorporated with the engineering science research.
Received: 22 October 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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