Design of Anti-Windup PID Controller with Integral State Prediction |
Niu Li, Yang Ming, Tang Siyu, Xu Dianguo |
Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract Currently there are a variety of ways to suppress windup phenomenon which caused by the saturation of the regulator of the speed control system. Because of adopting the principle of linear feedback to decrease integral accumulated value when the regulator is saturated, the tracking back calculation(TBC) strategy is studied and applied widely. Generally due to be lack of consideration of the speed command and load variation, the fixed parameter of TBC is difficult to keep the consistency of system response in a wide range. To guarantee the consistency of system response in the condition of different speed commands and loads, an anti-windup strategy with integral state prediction is proposed to minish the performance degradation caused by the saturation phenomenon. The integral state prediction(ISP) strategy calculates the steady state value of the integrator, in terms of the speed command and load condition, during the saturated stage of the regulator, and then the predicted value is set as initial value of the integrator when the regulator going into the linear region. ISP guarantees the optimal speed response with accurate system parameters. This paper compares the simulation waveforms of ISP and traditional TBC AW strategies with same current loop structure and PI parameters of speed regulator. The experimental results verify the correctness of theoretical analysis and simulation waveforms.
Received: 22 April 2011
Published: 05 November 2014
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