Optimum Torque-Angle Compensation Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors |
Li Changhong, Chen Mingjun |
Northwest Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Xianyang 712099 China |
Abstract For those permanent magnet synchronous motors(PMSM) in which d-axis inductance is not equal to q-axis inductance, an optimum torque-angle compensation control method is presented on the basis of vector control coordinate transform. Expression of torque to compensation angle is obtained according to the PMSM electromagnetic torque equation in d-q axis. Characteristic of compensation angle to current when PMSM electromagnetic torque reaches its maximum value is derived via extremum principle. Simulation study is carried out to the optimum torque-angle compensation control and Id=0 control. The simulation results show that larger electromagnetic torque can be achieved when using the optimum torque-angle compensation control. The system has fast dynamic response. Last, experimental verification on DSP based PMSM control platform is implemented and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and engineering realizability of the method proposed.
Received: 22 December 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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