Operation Performance of Repeating Coil for Wireless Power Transfer |
Mao Shitong, Zhu Chunbo, Li Yang, Li Zhenjie |
Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract In this paper, based on the application of wireless sensor network nodes charging with the wireless charging technology, an intermediate resonator that could magnify the magnetic field is adopted to realize wireless power transfer for long-distance and small-sized receiver with lower coupling coefficient (nearly 10-4 magnitude). By analyzing the operating characteristics of the repeater under resonant frequency and the theory of current amplification, a repeating coil that could enhance the magnetic field is devised, and the frequency characteristics of the currents are studied. In addition, the following are achieved: ①the repeating coil amplifies source current by over four times during coupling resonance; ②it is placed in the same spatial plane with source coil; ③the system could supply for power LED wirelessly at the receiver coil with a diameter of 5cm and 1m away from the repeater.
Received: 04 September 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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