Impact of Metal Obstacles on Wireless Power Transmission System Based Coupled Resonance |
Chen Chen, Huang Xueliang, Sun Wenhui, Tan Linlin, Qiang Hao |
Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China |
Abstract There are various systems that based on the wireless power transmission (WPT) technology getting more attention in last few years. For recently, most researches are relative to magnetically coupled resonant WPT (MCR-WPT) technology converge on the power transmission in free space. That essay its focus on discusses the situations that metal dielectric obstacles may be encountered. It is separate to the transmitter side, the receiver side and between the transmitter and receiver, and the simulation analysis and experimental verification are done. The simulation results that after analysis, it is match with the experimental results that the metal barrier setting on system has significant effect on the magnetic field. It is proved that the system output power can make generally restored to the level when no obstacle by adjusting the adjustable capacitance.
Received: 04 September 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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