Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Supply System with Characteristics of Constant Voltage |
Zhai Yuan1, Sun Yue2, Su Yugang3, Wang Zhihui4, Li Yupeng5 |
Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China |
Abstract In the practical application of the magnetic resonance mode wireless power supply system, the constant output voltage is typically required. To improve the stability of the system transmission power, the system operating frequency usually should be remains constant too. In this paper, magnetic resonance mode wireless power supply system as the research object, in which the transmitter coil is parallel-compensation, while the receiving coil and the resonance coils are series-compensated. Based on the the mutual inductances model, the parametric boundary conditions for keeping the system transmitting coil current and output voltage constant is given. So that under conditions of no controller, by constant frequency driving and not changing the distance between the coils, the system still be able to run in the constant voltage state as the load changes. Through simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method has good constant voltage characteristics.
Received: 04 September 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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