Influence of Characterizing Shed Configuration Parameters of Composite Insulators on Icing Flashover Performance |
Liu Yu, Jiang Xingliang, Shu Lichun, Xiang Ze |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract Sheds configuration of composite insulators is one of the main factors affecting the icing flashover voltage, and thus it is imperative to optimal the sheds configuration in order to ensure the safe operation of composite insulators at icing areas. Simulating the natural icing conditions in the artificial climate chamber, this paper studies the icing and flashover characteristics of composite insulators energized with the maximum working voltage. The results show: the icing quality of composite insulators has something to do with the sheds configuration characteristics, leakage distance, freezing water conductivity, etc. In other words, with the increase of the leakage distance and the ratio of leakage distance and the arc distance(CF coefficient), the ice coating on the insulators become more serious and the flashover voltage drops notably. As the influence law of the leakage and the CF coefficient on the icing and the flashover voltage of composite insulators is complex, several new characteristic parameters characterizing the sheds configuration of composite insulators are proposed in this paper, By optimizing the new parameters, the best sheds configuration of composite insulators adapted to severe icing districts could be found.
Received: 02 November 2012
Published: 05 November 2014
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