Frequency Adaptive Resonant Controller Based Current Control of SVG |
Yang Kun, Xie Chuan, Chen Guozhu |
Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract In order to improve the compensation performance and harmonic suppression ability, and widen the application bandwidth of static var generator(SVG), a resonant controller(RC) based current control strategy is proposed. Zero steady-state tracking errors of fundamental and harmonic currents are achieved by specific RCs which can generate infinite open loop gain at corresponding frequencies. A digital signal processing(DSP) chip is used to implement control functions. The controller design is taken directly in discrete domain to avoid unexpected loss of gain and detuning of RC caused by discretization. The resonant gain of RC is sensitive to the grid frequency. To improve the system robustness a fixed-point adjustable sampling cycle digital phase-locked loop is introduced to ensure that the controller resonant frequency tracking the grid frequency in real-time. The experimental results verify the validity of proposed control strategy.
Received: 10 August 2012
Published: 05 November 2014
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