Research on a Fast and Stable DC Voltage Control Strategy of Voltage Sag Generator System |
Meng Jianhui, Shi Xinchun, Wang Yi, Fu Chao, Kou Wei |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract To improve the response of rectifier side when the inverter side of voltage sag generator(VSG) simulates that voltage sags,the method of partial feedback linearization is used to design the current inner-loop controller of VSG rectifier side according to the nonlinear characteristic of PWM rectifier model. The variable-speed integral PI algorithm is presented for the voltage outer-loop to reinforce the anti-disturbance ability. A simple open loop controller which can easily realize balanced and partial unbalanced voltage sag fault is designed for the inverter side of VSG according to vector relationship of three-phase voltage. Digital simulation and practical experimental results show that the proposed control strategy has good performance in improving dynamic response speed when VSG system voltage sags, guaranteeing fast regulation and stability of DC-bus voltage and achieving excellent performance.
Received: 03 May 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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