Hardware-in-the-Loop Application of Beat-less Control Scheme for Three-Level Traction Inverter System |
Ge Xinglai, Feng Xiaoyun, Han Kun, Song Wensheng |
Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China |
Abstract Aiming at three-level NPC(Neutral-point Clamped) traction inverter and traction motor system for high-speed trains, a hardware-in-the-loop application research of beat-less control scheme was adopted. Firstly, mathematical model of traction main circuit is analyzed in detailed. Secondly, considering the effect of dead-time and PWM sample signal’s error, the real-time hardware-in-the-loop model for the three-level inverter and motor system based on dSPACE platform is built. After that, in order to restrain the beat frequency phenomenon occurred with single-pulse control in the region of constant-voltage variable-frequency operation, a beat-less control algorithm, with the characteristic of transient change of inverter’s output frequency and rotor field oriented vector control, is proposed. The control principal of this algorithm is derived from volt-second balance theory. And as the result of control, the unbalance of positive and negative period of inverter’s output voltage is decreased deeply. At last, the real-time simulation comparison for this system with and without beat-less control was carried out, the simulation results prove its validity and feasibility.
Received: 24 May 2012
Published: 05 November 2014
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