Output Voltage Ripple of Quadratic Boost Convertert |
Yang Ping, Xu Jianping, Dong Zheng, Zhou Guohua |
Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China |
Abstract According to operating modes of input inductor and storage inductor, operating mode district of quadratic boost converter is discussed and output voltage ripples with different energy transmission modes are analyzed. According to the relation of the valley storage inductor current and the output current, energy transmission modes (ETM) of quadratic boost converter during switch turned off are analyzed. ETM can be divided into the complete inductor supply mode (CISM) and the incomplete inductor supply mode (IISM), the critical inductance and critical condition between CISM and IISM are deduced. It is pointed that the quadratic boost converter may work in CISM or IISM when storage inductor works in continuous conduction mode (CCM), while the quadratic boost converter must work in IISM when storage inductor works in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). As for quadratic boost converter with certain input inductor, load, capacitor and switching frequency, when storage inductor works in CCM-CISM, output voltage ripple of quadratic boost converter is determined by capacitor voltage during switch turned off, being independent of the current flowing through the inductor. When storage inductor works in DCM-IISM, the converter has the largest output voltage ripple that is also decreasing with storage inductance. A prototype of quadratic boost converter is built and the experimental results verify the analysis results.
Received: 24 May 2012
Published: 05 November 2014
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