Multi-objective Optimal Scheduling for PV-Assisted Charging Station of Electric Vehicles |
Lu Xinyi, Liu Nian, Chen Zheng, Zhang Jianhua, Xiao Xiangning |
State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract Photovoltaic(PV)-assisted charging station for electric vehicles(EVs) is a typical integration of consuming renewable resources locally. Research on multi-objective optimal scheduling for PV-assisted charging station of electric vehicles is proposed in this paper. It introduces the typical structure of PV-assisted charging station and function of each component as well as the operation strategy. Based on analysis of the operational characteristics of PV, storage battery bank and EV charging unit, mathematical model of the multi-objective optimization for scheduling, which takes the cost of electricity purchasing and energy circulation of storage battery bank as objective functions, is built and then solved by non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm(NSGA)-II. Constraints including EV charging time, the range of the charging/discharging power and SOC(state of charge) of the storage battery bank, power supply rate of distribution network and system power balance are considered in the model. Combined with a case that contains different solar radiations and initial SOC of storage batteries, several Pareto solutions are obtained and typical dispatching scheme is selected to verify the model’s rationality by analyzing power flow of each component. Compared with direct charging, the optimal scheme is superior in reducing cost and energy circulation. Optimization method for scheduling put forward in this paper provides theoretical and technical support for city charging infrastructure demonstration.
Received: 18 July 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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