Configuration Ratio for Distributed Electrical Vehicle Charging Infrastructures |
Tao Shun, Xiao Xiangning, Wen Jianfeng, Chen Zheng, Zhang Jiayi |
State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract Distributed electrical vehicle charging infrastructures are required to be allocated reasonably according to a certain proportion, which can meet the needs of charging of electric vehicles (EVs) and avoid redundancy. Based on the analysis of trip distance rules of statistical data of private cars of NHTS(National household travel survey), a method calculating the ratio of slow charging piles and EVs is proposed through the analysis of charging demands in different psychological acceptance of SOC. Then a method calculating the ratio of fast charger and slow charger is put forward by establish a probability model of fast charging demand, which based on consideration of various factors influencing the user’s choice of fast and slow charging,Finally,two examination indicators are proposed to verify the effectiveness of the configuration ratio. The two methods this paper put forward can provide a basis for configuration of charging infrastructures.
Received: 21 January 2014
Published: 05 November 2014
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