Abstract The criteria of the pole-slot numbers combination of the interior permanent magnet (IPM) synchronous machines with fractional-slot concentrated windings(FCW), which possess the approximate number of poles and slots is analyzed. Moreover, 2D finite element analysis(FEA) for the machine is carried out to investigate the distribution of the air-gap magnetic field, back electromotive force(EMF), steady torque and cogging torque. A new frozen permeability method, which decouples the direct axis and the quadrature axis currents completely, is presented to illustrate the variation of the direct axis and the quadrature axis inductance with both the cross saturation and the change of rotor position respectively. A 10kW prototype was designed and built for exemplification. Experimental results of the prototype are given to verify the design method and the theoretical analysis, which are helpful on further application in the driving area of the hybrid electric vehicles.
Wang Yubin,Sun Jianxin. Design of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Fractional-Slot Concentrated Windings[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2014, 29(5): 70-76.
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