Analytical Calculation of Armature Reaction Field Including Slotting Effects in PMSM with Concentrated Fractional-Slot Winding |
Lin Fu, Zuo Shuguang, Ma Conggan, Tan Qinwen |
Clean Energy Automotive Engineering Center Tongji University Shanghai 201804 China |
Abstract This paper starts with the field produced by single coil. By using the concept of cell machine, the analytical expressions of armature reaction field produced by machines with three kinds of slot/pole combinations are obtained according to the space diagram of field. Then the slotting effects are taken into consideration with the help of complex relative permeance. To prove the accuracy of the analytical expressions, the field calculated by the analytical method and finite element(FE) method are compared. Furthermore, the harmonic components of armature reaction field and the slotting effects on harmonic components and their amplitudes are analyzed. It is shown that the stator slotting mainly causes the changes of amplitudes of some harmonic components.
Received: 13 December 2012
Published: 05 November 2014
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