Research on Characteristics of Volume-Resistivity and Temperature for Field Composite Insulators |
Liang Ying, Chen Yixin, Liu Yunpeng |
State Key Lab of New Energy Power System North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract The volume-resistivity and its variation with temperature for field composite insulators are researched in this paper. The experiment results show that the volume-resistivity still remained at a higher level for the insulator after running 19 years. The volume-resistivity variation with temperature is defined as lnρv-1/T characteristics. The lnρv-1/T characteristics for some samples from certain manufacturer didn’t change linearly with temperature. The surface and inner structure were analyzed by FTIR technique. It is indicated that the inner structure could be influenced after the aging of composite insulators. Afterwards, the lnρv-1/T characteristics are changed. The linear correlation of lnρv-1/T can provide a qualitative evidence for the severity of composite insulators’ aging in lab.
Received: 16 October 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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