Continuous Current Push-Pull Based Topology with Coupling Inductor Used in Spacecraft |
Chen Qian, Trillion Q. Zheng, Li Yan |
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract Considering the merits of high power density, high efficiency and low EMI, the DC-DC converter with continuous current is competitive in the application of spacecraft. The concept of continuous current push-pull based topology with coupling inductor is proposed in this paper. In order to obtain continuous current, five new push-pull cells are deduced from traditional push-pull cell. According to the novel structure of continuous current push-pull based topology with coupling inductor, the generation rule is proposed and the topologies based on five new push-pull cells are deduced separately. Depending on the condition that the current of bus side is low-ripple, these topologies are chosen as battery discharge regulator(BDR) or battery charge regulator(BCR). The characteristics are compared to provide optimal topology choice for BDR and BCR. Lastly, a prototype based on a generated topology with high voltage gain is designed and made to verify the correctness of theoretical analysis.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 05 November 2014
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