Integrated Control Strategy of DFIG based on Vector Resonant Control under Distorted Grid Voltage Conditions |
Song Yipeng, Nian Heng |
Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract Based on the mathematical model of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) under 5th and 7th harmonically distorted grid voltage conditions, the DFIG operation performance is analyzed. To improve the operation performance of DFIG under the distorted grid voltage conditions, the resonant control loop of stator current or stator output power is added into the system control to achieve the control target of sinusoidal stator current or smooth stator output power. To eliminate the stator current harmonic components or the stator output power pulsation, the normal and vector resonant regulators are analyzed and compared in the perspective of regulating 300Hz AC signal. The vector resonant regulator is applied in the proposed control strategy to achieve the control targets when DFIG operating under the distorted grid voltage due to more accurate AC signal tracking capability and larger phase margin to ensure stable closed-loop operation. The proposed DFIG integrated control strategy under distorted grid voltage condition is well validated by the experiment results.
Received: 21 March 2013
Published: 05 August 2014
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