Variant Current Variable Slip-Frequency Robust Adaptive Control for Single-sided Linear Induction Motors Used in Maglev Transportation |
Chen Tefang, Deng Jiangming, Tang Jianxiang, Cheng Shu, Chen Chunyang |
Central South University Changsha 410075 China |
Abstract Single-sided linear induction motors(SLIMs) have been broadly used as propulsion devices in medium and low speed range maglev trains. Many scholars are focusing on the thrust and normal force characteristics of SLIM in order to obtain its excellent control performance and anti-interference ability, and their researches are also extremely important for high efficiency and stability control of maglev train’s traction and suspension system. In the premise of dynamic operating condition of SLIM, this paper respectively discusses the optimum thrust slip-frequency calculation method based on linear motor T-type equivalent circuit model(T-ECM), and the minimum normal forece slip-frequency calculation method based on multilayer general travelling wave electromagnetic modle. Then, a variant-current and variable slip-frequency(VCVSF) robust adaptive control strategy for SLIM is presented, and the normal force can be asymptomaticlly converged at suspending state if the system nonlinear state space equation is designed to be Popov-stable. Experimental results verify the validity of proposed control algorithm, and show that the thrust and normal force characteristic of SLIM can be detailed.
Received: 30 November 2013
Published: 05 August 2014
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