Self-Configuration Three-Phase Wireless Power Supply Network with Asymmetric Magnetic Circuit |
Xia Chenyang, Zhuang Yuhai, Tong Weiwei, Shao Xiang, Zong Xiao, Wu Xiaojie |
China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou 221008 China |
Abstract Owing to the low tolerance for coil misalignment between the primary and secondary coils in traditional single-phase WPS(wireless power supply) system, a three-phase self-configuration WPS network is proposed in this paper, in which all the flat-screen mobile devices randomly distributed in the network can be efficiently powered at the same time. Meanwhile, in order to eliminate the “dead spots” in the traditional three-phase WPS system with symmetric magnetic circuit, a new asymmetric magnetic circuit is proposed, which can effectively increase the power transfer capability of the three-phase WPS system. The viability of the proposed magnetic circuit is supported by a simulation and experiments, whose results show that the three-phase self-configuration WPS network with the asymmetric magnetic circuit plays an important role in the three-phase WPS system design, and the flat-screen mobile devices randomly distributed in the three-phase WPS network can pick-up power effectively and smoothly regardless of their positions relative to the network.
Received: 26 September 2013
Published: 05 August 2014
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