Analysis on DP and tanδ Characteristics of PC and PET in the Electrical-Thermal Aging Process in Oil |
Yang Kai, Wang Wei, Du Jiazhen, Li Fuping, Gu Jiefeng |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, Beijing Key Laboratory of High Voltage & EMC, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract Power transformer plays a crucial role in the generation, transmission, transformation and distribution system. The reliability and operational efficiency of power system is directly related to its performance and quality. So it is very significant to explore new polymer materials instead of insulating paper to improve electric field distribution and insulation structure. This will be very beneficial to make transformer large-capacity and compact, and there is a very good application prospects. In this paper, two kinds of high-temperature resistance polymer materials-polycarbonate(PC) and polyester(PET) are chosen as the candidates for comparison with paper. They are put in the transformer oil with electrical-thermal aging for 300 days under 90℃, 110℃ and 130℃ respectively. The tests for the degree of polymerization(DP) and dielectric loss factor are studied, combined with the physical properties and electron microscope scanning(SEM) to decide whether they can be used in oil-immersed transformer.
Received: 10 April 2013
Published: 27 June 2014
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