Research on Control Strategy of Two-Switch Buck-Boost Converter for High Voltage Application |
Yang Chen, Xie Shaojun, Mao Ling, Qin Ling |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract In high voltage application, there are serious switch losses in the two-switch Buck- Boost converter when both switches are switching in high frequency; while sophisticated control logic and complex compensation technique are needed for step-up/down smooth transitions when single switch scheme is used. In this paper, based on synchronous control scheme, the two-switch Buck-Boost converter adopting coupling inductor for alleviating switch losses is discussed. An asynchronous control scheme is proposed to reduce the core loss of synchronous control method with no increase of diode reverse-recovery losses. With the same conditions, comparisons between the two control schemes including theoretical calculation and experiment are illustrated. It is proved that the asynchronous control scheme could not only alleviate the diode reverse recovery losses, reduce the equivalent current ripple of coupling inductor, but also guarantee the smooth transitions between step-up and step-down.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 27 June 2014
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