Short-Term Prediction Method of Wind Speed Series Based on <br/>Kalman Filtering Fusion |
Xiu Chunbo1, 2, Ren Xiao1, 2, Li Yanqing3, Liu Mingfeng1, 2 |
1. Key Laboratory of Advanced Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology Tianjin Polytechnic University Tianjin 300387 China; 2. Tianjin Polytechnic University Tianjin 300387 China; 3. University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing 100083 China |
Abstract The prediction mechanism of Kalman filtering for wind speed series is analyzed. And a hysteretic neural network is proposed to predict the wind speed series. The hybrid prediction of wind speed series, combining ARMA model and hysteretic neural network, based on Kalman filtering fusion is completed. Hysteretic property is brought into neural network by changing the convention activation function to hysteretic activation function. The connective weights of network are determined by gradient optimization, and hysteretic parameters are determined by genetic algorithm. State equation is established by ARMA model. The prediction results of hysteretic neural network are taken as measurement values. Hybrid prediction can prevent error accumulation caused by the single prediction mechanism. Simulation results show that the hysteretic neural network has better prediction performance than BP neural network, and the hybrid prediction is superior to each single method.
Received: 17 July 2013
Published: 18 June 2014
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