Theoretical Investigation of Mutual Transformation between Differential Mode and Common Mode Noise and Its Implementation in the Design of Planar EMI Filter |
Wang Shishan, Gong Min, Yu Zhenyang |
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract EMI filter is an important component to suppress the conducted EMI noise. Based on “impedance mismatch”, the DM and CM circuit can be separated into two independent equivalent channels. Applying DM and CM noise for each channel, the DM and CM interference noise can be achieved in the load by solving the circuit network. Thus, the transformation between the DM and CM noise can be obtained, which caused by the asymmetric branch impedance. The important conclusions are achieved, that is, inhibiting the “CM noise from the DM excitations” is more difficult. Annular planar EMI filter is a new structure proposed by our research group, but there are still existing the transformation problems, which caused by the asymmetric branch impedance. Therefore, in this paper, a new kind of “LC” integrated module with one side fully covered with metal(LC unit) is proposed. Meantime, it is compared with the LC unit which has spiral on both sides. Research shows that, the proposed model has a good symmetry and can effectively reduce the transformation between the DM and CM noise.
Received: 22 September 2013
Published: 18 June 2014
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