Capacity Configuration Optimization for Island Microgrid with Wind/Photovoltaic/Diesel/Storage and Seawater Desalination Load |
Zhang Jianhua, Yu Lei, Liu Nian, Xiao Rui |
State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract The power supply mode of island micro-grid with a variety of complementary energy is one of the most effective ways to solve the problem of future island power supply. Based on the characteristics of water demand of island residents and seawater desalination system, a power allocation strategy for seawater desalination load, storage cell and diesel generator is proposed with the overall consideration of the economic and environment benefits of system operation. Furthermore, a multi-objective capacity configuration optimization model for the island microgrid with wind/ photovoltaic/diesel/storage and seawater desalination load is also proposed. It first establishes the objective functions of system operation cost and utilization rate of renewable energy, and then constructs the constraints with the consideration of the operation characteristics of storage cell and diesel generator and power supply reliability etc., and solves the problem using self-adaptive multi-object differential evolution algorithm. Finally, the island micro-grid in a certain distinct is taken as an example to study. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed configuration method, providing the theoretical and technical basis for the planning and design of island microgrid.
Received: 10 December 2013
Published: 18 June 2014
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