A Novel Stability Simulation Algorithm of Microgrids Based on Projective Integration Method |
Li Peng1, Yuan Kai1, Wang Chengshan1, Huang Xiaoyun2, Huang Hongyuan2 |
1. Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China; 2. Guangdong Power Grid Corporation Foshan 528000 China |
Abstract The increasing penetration of variety kinds of distributed generation (DG) results in the multiple time scale of the connected microgrid, which leads to a higher requirement on the numerical stability and calculation efficiency of the integration algorithms for microgrid stability simulation. This paper proposes an enhanced projective integration method for the stability simulation of microgrids. Each compound step of the method is combined with several small size steps (inner integrator) and a large one (outer integrator), the step sizes of which are selected based on the time constants of the fast and slow dynamic behaviors. The proposed method is consistent of order 2 and greatly improves the numerical stability of traditional numerical integration algorithms. Finally, some case studies are performed based on a low voltage microgrid and the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed projective method is shown through comparing with the commercial software for the stability simulation of power systems.
Received: 08 December 2013
Published: 18 June 2014
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