Reliability Evaluation of Microgrids Considering Coordinative Optimization of Loads and Storage Devices |
Bie Zhaohong, Li Gengfeng, Xie Haipeng |
State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China |
Abstract For microgrids, coordinative optimization of loads and storage devices is an important approach that promotes the utilization of renewable energy and economic operation. However, the optimization directly changes the customers’ consumption habits and the operation status of storage devices, and affects the reliability of microgrids. This paper establishes optimization models for loads and storages, which are integrated into the reliability evaluation of microgrids by a sequential Monte Carlo method.The integration realizes the consideration of the coordinative optimizationin reliability evaluation of microgrids.Besides, new reliability indices are defined to quantify the impacts of the optimization on the reliability of customers, storage devices and microgrids. Extensive results indicate the effectiveness and accuracy of the presented models and methods. With consideration of the load and storage optimization, the results are of significance to make microgrid operation plans andimprove the reliability and economy of microgrids.
Received: 10 December 2013
Published: 18 June 2014
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