A Scheme for Suppressing DC Ripple Current of Cascade <br/>Converter for Energy Storage System |
Ding Ming, Chen Zhong, Chen Xudong |
Anhui New Energy Utilization and Energy Saving Laboratory Hefei University of Technology Heifei 230009 China |
Abstract The energy storage system can not only be used as power source but also the load, so it plays a vital role of bidirectional adjustment in microgrid. With the application of energy storage technology in microgrid, the multilevel cascade converter as a new power condition system has been researched widely. In the battery energy storage system based on multilevel cascade converter, the DC link current of H-bridge contains DC component and ripple components. The ripple current will bring bad effects to the battery energy system. The paper researches on the components of H-bridge DC link current and the propagation characteristics of ripple current based on the H-bridge equivalent circuit model of ripple current. Then the paper proposes a circuit topology of the cascade converter with DC active filter, and elaborates the control strategies for suppressing H-bridge DC ripple current by using DC active filter. Finally, the simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the scheme.
Received: 10 December 2013
Published: 18 June 2014
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