Influence of Space Charge on Air Gap Discharge Under Switching Impulse |
Zhan Huamao1, 2, Liu Bo1, 2, Yan Tingli1, 2, Deng Lihong3, Li Chengrong1, 2 |
1. Beijing Area Major Laboratory of High Voltage and EMC North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 3. State Grid AC Engineering Construction Company Beijing 100052 China; 4. Laiwu Electric Power Company Laiwu 271100 China; 5. Institute of Urban Construction Beijing 100120 China |
Abstract Shielding failure is the main reason for tripping operations of EHV and UHV transmission lines, and many scholars believe that space charge may be one of the causes of these shielding failure accidents. In order to further study the influence of space charge on lightning discharge, a board-needle air gap of 100cm was set up. Under the positive and negative switching impulse voltage, the discharge process of the gap was observed by a high speed video camera system. So as to analyze the influence of the space charge on the discharge development quantitatively, the current through the positive board-needle air gap was measured. Then the charge current was extracted, and the integral of the charge current was calculated to evaluate the amount of space charge. Experimental results show that discharge always develops from the positive electrode to the negative electrode, under both positive and negative switching impulse voltage. Besides, under the positive switching impulse voltage, with the radius of curvature of the head part of the needle increasing, the percentage of discharge striking points on the head of the needle decreases. What's more, under the same test conditions, the amount of the space charge of the board-pointed needle is the largest. With the radius of curvature of the head part of the needle increasing, the amount of the space charge becomes smaller.
Received: 13 April 2012
Published: 18 June 2014
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