Control Method of Microgrid Seamless Switching |
Qiu Lin, Xu Lie, Zheng Zedong, Li Yongdong, Zheng Zhixue |
Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China |
Abstract This paper focuses on the seamless switching control strategies for micro-grid system, which consists of wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, batteries and super-capacitors. When micro-grid is connected to the utility grid, DC- and AC-bus voltages are regulated by the storage and grid separately. As for islanding mode, DC-bus voltage will be regulated by micro-sources and storages. The magnitude and frequency of AC bus are controlled by droop character of parallel inverters. All of micro-sources and storages are connected to DC bus by different converters. The converters must be controlled well to keep the bus voltage stable and the power flow balance in the process of switching. Simulation and experimental results are proposed to verify the effects of the converter and control algorithm.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 18 June 2014
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