Optimization of Operation Strategies and Economic Analysis of PV Microgrids for Industries |
Mao Meiqin, Jin Peng, Zhang Liuchen, Ding Yong, Xu Haibo |
Reach Center for Photovoltaic System Engineering of Ministry of Education Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China |
Abstract An economic analysis method and optimal design model of the PV microgrids for industries are proposed in this paper. The economic indexes to evaluate the economic performance of the microgrids include levelized energy cost, emission reduction benefits and payback period. The optimal model considering local solar insolation level and detailed investment costs is established and applied to obtain the optimal configuration of the PV microgrids for four different operation strategies by Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) method. The simulation results based on three months running data of a 500kW PV microgrid for industries in Guangdong, China, show that the optimal design by the proposed method can meet the technical indicators as well as the economic optimum, and thus effectively optimizing the microgrid with PVs for industries in both economic and environmental way. In addition, the proposed battery tank can not only be used to maximize the utilization of renewable energy, but also enhance the system’s ability of peak load shifting. Besides, the sensitivity of the impact of different parameters and different installed sites on the system is also performed. The results provide a reference for the application of similar projects and basis for the decision-makers of the microgrid with PVs for industries.
Received: 22 December 2013
Published: 18 June 2014
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