Total Operating Mode State Feedback Control of the Recuperative Cycle Microturbine |
Duan Jiandong, Wu Fengjiang, Zhao Ke, Sun Li |
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract Based on the simplified linear model of design condition the traditional microturbine control system adopted the PI control strategy, and added recuperator leeds to slow speed dynamic response and oscillation. This paper proposes total operating mode state feedback control strategy based on the derived nonlinear model of the recuperative cycle microturbine. The fixed convergence characteristic state observer and the state feedback control law were designed using linear state space model, which made the convergence characteristics of observation variables and state variables were not influenced by varying conditions. It guaranteed the operation stability and the consistency of dynamic characteristics under total operating mode. This paper gives generally analytical polynomial equations of observer and state feedback control law with load variation. The design example analysis and simulation results prove that the proposed control strategy is correct and feasible.
Received: 18 October 2012
Published: 17 June 2014
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