High-Frequency Performance Analysis and Optimize Design of High-Frequency Power Relay |
Xu Le, Chen Guofeng, Song Jiangzhu, Zhai Guofu |
Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract The high-frequency power relay is a special kind of relay which is mainly used to transmit high-frequency and high-power signals. In this paper, a certain type of high-frequency power relay is investigated. The model includes the electromagnetic structure, the contact system, the coaxial interfaces, and the shielding shell. The discontinuous structure of the relay mismatches the impedance and increase the signal loss, which finally reduce the transmission capability. At the same time, the relay is inclined to fail because of the overheating caused by the high-frequency and high-power signal. The high-frequency performance and thermal effect are analyzed with the coupled field simulation method, and the factors of power capability are explored and summarized. At last, this paper uses the orthogonal experiment design to improve the high-frequency performance and the power capability.
Received: 10 September 2012
Published: 12 December 2013
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