A Two-loop Control Strategy of Micro-source Inverter |
Huo Qunhai, Li Ningning |
The Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China |
Abstract Nonlinear load is one of the main factors which affect the output voltage quality of the micro-source inverter. The two-loop control strategy based on repetitive control is proposed for large-capacity micro-source inverter, which executes PI control and repetitive control in parallel. The repetitive controller is improved to realize the two-loop control strategy based on repetitive control with zero steady-state error. The control accuracy of system is effectively improved to achieve better control performance for high-power non-linear load. The improved repetition controller determines the steady-state accuracy of system and the PI controller determines the dynamic response speed of system. Simulative and experimental results show the efficiency and reliability of the proposed control strategy in harmonic control and system stability.
Received: 19 August 2013
Published: 22 May 2014
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