Three Classical Papers on the History of the Phasor Method |
Zhang Liangliang, Lei Yinzhao |
Beihang University Beijing 100191 China |
Abstract The three classical papers giving birth to the phasor method were studied, and their main content, written background and historical status were discussed respectively. The results are as follows. When analyzing the effect of oscillatory impressed force and its application to the signal transmission of long-distance telephony and telegraphy in July 1886, O. Heaviside coined the terminology “impedance” and gave its definition. The impedance was defined as the ratio of the amplitude of the impressed force to that of the current on transmission line. In April 1893 A. E. Kennelly extended the impedance of transmission line defined by Heaviside to that of the general alternating-current circuit and apparatus, and represented the impedance by complex number. Based on Kennelly’s work, C. P. Steinmetz expressed the sinusoidal voltage and the sinusoidal current by complex number and proposed phasor method in August 1893 in order to analyze the unbalanced phenomenon between the three phases of the three-phase system designed for Niagara Falls hydropower station by General Electric.
Received: 02 November 2011
Published: 27 November 2013
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