Large-Scale Wind Power Stochastic Optimization Scheduling Method Considering Flexible Load Peaking |
Yang Nan, Wang Bo, Liu Dichen, Zhao Jie, Wang He |
Whuhan University Whuhan 430072 China |
Abstract Large-scale access to the uncertainty of wind power, has brought new challenges to the power system scheduling. This paper sees flexible load as a peaking resource and presents a large-scale wind power stochastic optimization considering the peak flexible load regulation This method takes into account the probability characteristics of wind power and the peak regulation characteristics of flexible load, constructs the mathematical expression revealing the risk of power system operation, measures the system's safety and economy comprehensively, and establishes a large scale wind power stochastic scheduling model considering flexible peak load regulation. Imperialistic competition algorithm is used to find the solution to the model and 38 machine example simulation verifies the correctness and validity of the model. The results show that the method in this paper can coordinate the operation cost and risk of power system effectively, and the method can also improve the system's operation efficiency and enhance the assimilative capacity of wind power.
Received: 31 January 2013
Published: 26 March 2014
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