The Control Scheme Counteracting Negative Impedance of Constant Power Load for Bi-Directional Buck/Boost |
Zhang Xuhui, Wen Xuhui, Zhao Feng |
Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electric Drive Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China |
Abstract In this paper, the stability of bi-directional Buck/Boost converter with constant power load (CPL) is studied. A novel power feed forward control scheme for the bi-directional Buck/Boost is presented. The mechanism of negative impedance of CPL degenerating bus voltage stability is analyzed and a control scheme can counteract negative impedance with feed-forward term which reflectes the changing trends of DC bus voltage is proposed. Small-signal model analysis and simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed control scheme can counteract the impedance negative of CPL effectively and improve the drive system stability range.
Received: 09 February 2012
Published: 26 March 2014
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