Research on Shipboard Intermediate Frequency Independent Power Supply System Load Model |
Wu Xusheng1, Hu Fengge1, Shi Lei2 |
1. Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China 2. Naval Agent Wuhu Dockyard of Military Representative Wuhu 241000 China |
Abstract The application of shipboard intermediate frequency independent power supply system generates great benefits, such as advanced operation efficiency of high-capacity and small volume; however, it is the load interference which severely restricts its development. In this paper, the radar electricity is chosen as the typical intermediate frequency load, and the power supply feature of the electricity is investigated. Through parameter study of the three current models, the respective simulation models are established, from the computation results, the conclusions, according with the results concluded by real equipment experiment, that the intermediate frequency power supply radar is not a pulse load but a rectifier nonlinear load and different radar electricity models can be substituted by different types of rectifiers are obtained.
Received: 13 September 2012
Published: 26 March 2014
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