A Method with PIR Controller for the Elimination of Harmonic Currents in a DFIG Based Wind Power System |
Gong Wenming1, 2, 3, Meng Yanfeng2, 3, Hu Shuju2, 3, Xu Honghua2, 3 |
1. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China 2. Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China 3. Key Laboratory of Wind Energy Utilization Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China |
Abstract A new control method with PIR(proportion integration differen tiation) controller and parameters tuning method presented for the improvement of harmonics control of a DFIG based wind turbine, especially when it works under distorted network conditions. A detailed mathematical analysis of the DFIG is carried out, which shows the harmonics would cause oscillations of system output power and electric torque. Research is shown that a PIR controller would enhance the control ability of harmonics, and achieve a variety of control targets. In the synchronous reference frame, when the resonant frequency of the controller R is 6 times of the grid frequency, the 5th, 7th harmonic current can be effectively controlled. What’s more, the R controller does not affect the control of fundamental components. The controller parameters are tuned so as to increase the system stability. A simulation of a DFIG system under distorted conditions has been developed, and the algorithm was successfully applied to an 110kW DFIG based Wind Power Test bench. Simulation and experimental results show the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed control method.
Received: 27 June 2011
Published: 25 March 2014
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