Research of Feedforward Control on High Order Converter Topologies |
Jia Pengyu Li Yan, Wang Beibei, Trillion Q Zheng |
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract The method of using feedforward controller to null audio susceptibility, which is the input-output transfer function, has been researched in this paper. A method for simplification of the converter when computing the feedforward controller is presented so that the related components of the circuit can be easily established. When the order of converter’s model is high, its feedforward controller form is complicated. In this paper, the proportional feedforward controller instead of the accurate form is used to realize zero audio susceptibility in certain frequency range. Besides, the accurate feedforward controllers of continuous current converters with two inductors and two capacitors have been analyzed and it shows that the proportional feedforward controller only depends on the DC gain of the converter. The conclusions have been verified by computation and experiment results.
Received: 24 May 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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