Design Optimization and Verification on the Power Transmitting Coil in the High-Power Wireless Power Transmission System |
Zhang Xian1, Yang Qingxin1, 2, Cui Yulong2, Liu Huijun3, Jin Liang1 |
1. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy Tianjin Polytechnic University Tianjin 300387 China 2. Beijing University of Chemical Technology Beijing 100029 China 3. Baoding Hongri Electric Co., Ltd. Baoding 071051 China |
Abstract How to design and optimize the electromagnetic coils reasonably is one of the key questions that need to be solved when design a wireless power transmission system. In this paper, a direct field-circuit coupling model is proposed. The overall trend of magnetic field in space and electrical parameters in circuits are simulated so that guiding principles about coil design are obtained. Then according to the characteristics of high power electromagnetic resonant coupling system, coils with different structures are designed, simulated and validated by experiments. It is shown that disc shaped parallel winding coil has a lower inductance and a higher resonant frequency than the other two types. And it is more suitable working as the transmitting coil form that magnetic field strength is higher on the central axis direction and radial direction. Meantime, the blindness of design and test can be avoided by using the method.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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