Design of Synchronous Generator for Integrated Power Propulsion System in Marine |
Zhang Yang, Wu Yi |
No. 704 Research Institute CSIC Shanghai 200031 China |
Abstract A mathematics model for synchronous generator with rectifier was built up. By analyzing the operation of the system, the formulas of the harmonic distortion for synchronous generator-rectifier system current and voltage were supplied with the overlap angle as variable. Based on the connection between overlap angle and electromagnetism parameters, the function between the harmonic characteristics of the system and the electromagnetism parameters of the generator were brought forward. The influence of transformer on synchronous generator-rectifier system had got. The simulation validated the rule that influence of electromagnetism parameters and propulsion transformer on the harmonic distortion. Finally, some of the simulation result had got proved through a generator-rectifier system experimental platform. Make up a rule for three phase generator design for electromagnetism parameter used in integrated power system.
Received: 12 June 2011
Published: 25 March 2014
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