Equivalent Model for Stability Analysis of Higher Order Paralleled Buck Converters |
Sun Jinkun, Liu Qingfeng, Leng Zhaoxia, Wang Huamin, Tong Xiangqian |
School of Automation and Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology Xi’an 710048 |
Abstract For enabling simple and effective analysis of stability of high order paralleled DC-DC converters system, a equivalent model is proposed for solving eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix. Buck paralleled system adopting PI control is considered. The simple discrete model of paralleled system is founded by adopting state transfer matrix and linearizing the matrix coefficients. The Jacobian matrix of system is solved based on the simple discrete model. The equivalent model of stability analysis for high order paralleled system is deduced by rows and columns transformation. The analytical values of eigenvalues could be directly calculated based on the equivalent model, which greatly simplifies the stability analysis of high order paralleled system. The boundary conditions of voltage loop and current loop control parameters are deduced. The validity of stability analysis model and boundary conditions is approved by comparing the calculation results of model with the simulation and experiment results of paralleled system.
Received: 31 August 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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