Research on Three Phase Four Wire PV-AF System Based on Improved Proportional Resonant Controllers |
Geng Yiwen1, Wu Xiaojie1, Zhou Dejia2, Xu Lihua1 |
1. China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou 221008 China 2. Navy Academe of Armament, Fengtai District Beijing 100161 China 3. Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Transformation (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Ministry of Education Shanghai 200240 China |
Abstract For three-phase four-wire PV-AF (photovoltaic power generation and active filter) system, a control strategy based on proportional resonant (PR) controller is proposed. Improved PR controllers in parallel are adopted to track fundamental current and different frequency component of harmonic current to obtain zero steady-state error. With the power of photovoltaic system injecting, the quality of grid current is improved. The performance of PR controller and improved PR controller are compared. After analyzing the effect of every parameter of PR on control performance, the parameters are designed. The simulation and experiment results indicate that the current inner-loop controller can be better adapted to the fluctuation of grid frequency and track reference current, which verify the validity and effectiveness of the employed control strategy.
Received: 21 February 2013
Published: 25 March 2014
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