Identification of the Proportion of the Dynamic Load in Generalized Load Based on Adaptive BP Network |
Liu Daigang1, Liu Dichen2, Zhang Wenjia3, Wang Rusong4 |
1. Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute Nanjinag 211102 China 2. Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China 3. Jiangsu Electric Power Company Econominc Research Institute Nanjing 210008 China 4. Central Southern China Electric Power Design Institute Wuhan 430071 China |
Abstract This paper presents a method which uses adaptive BP(ABP) network to fit the relationship between the proportion of dynamic load and the active power PL, reactive power QL, voltage UL, frequency fL of the transmission line, equivalent power PG of Equivalent generalized load, then uses the trained ABP to identify β in transient stability analysis. This method firstly creates the equivalent generalized load model of the regional power system; secondly, changes the β to form the training data of ABP; finally uses thes trained ABP to identify β in transient stability analysis of the regional power grid. Simulation results on CEPRI 36 nodes system and power grid of Qingshan show its feasibility and effectiveness.
Received: 09 October 2011
Published: 25 March 2014
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