Evaluation of Power Quality in Grid Planning Scheme with Wind Power Integration |
Wang Shenzhe1, Gao Shan1, Li Haifeng2, Zhang Long2 |
1. Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China 2. Jiangsu Electric Power Company Nanjing 210014 China |
Abstract Power quality is always evaluated on the base of historical operation data, which is diffcult to acquire among grid planning period. But at present, power quality evaluation is becoming more and more important to grid planning and choice of grid planning schemes. In this paper, a frequency quality evaluation method based on time-frequency and a voltage quality evaluation method based on small-signal stability analysis are proposed to evaluate the power quality of gird planning schemes with wind power integration. Fluctuation of wind farm is treated as main disturbance. System frequency dynamic response model is built to solve frequency fluctuation. The relationship between voltage variation and wind power fluctuation is deduced based on small-signal stability in which network is considered. Finally the example indicates that the method proposed in this paper is correct. This method partly eliminates the restrict of power quality and can be only evaluated based on historic operation data. Exploration on power quality evaluation of grid planning schemes is carried out in this paper.
Received: 31 January 2013
Published: 25 March 2014
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