Multi-agent Strategy of Distribution Networks Multi-Faults Rush-Repair with Distributed Generators |
Li Xueping1, Lu Zhigang1, Liu Zhaozheng2, Feng Tao1 |
1. Key Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation and Motor Drive of Hebei Province Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China 2. State Grid Jibei Electric Power Company Limited Qinhuangdao Power Supply Company Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract In terms of the problem that many faults were caused by natural disasters in the distribution system, a multi-faults rush-repair optimization model with distributed generators(DGs) was built. In this model, temporary power supply by the generated cars was used to improve the rush-repair efficiency. On the basis of coordinating control of distribution network control center, rush-repair teams, loads and DGs, a multi-agent system, which consists of central control agent(CAG), N rush-repair team agents(RAGs) and information collection agent(IAG), was built to establish emergency repair strategy. Considering new faults on the repair site, when communication was normal, the CAG updated the rush-repair strategy according to global information, otherwise the RAG modified the network topology according to the estimated repair time, then updates the rush-repair strategy, and finally dynamic repair was achieved. The results proved the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed method.
Received: 13 December 2011
Published: 25 March 2014
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