Calculation and Analysis Model of AC Loss forNb3Sn-Based CICC |
Jiang Huawei1, Li Guoping1, Wu Songtao2, Zhao Yujuan1, Liu Jicheng1 |
1. Henan University of Technology Zhengzhou 450001 China 2. Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei 230031 China |
Abstract To solve the problem of alternating current (AC) loss mechanism for Nb3Sn conductor with strain under the condition of high-current and transient magnetic field, research of AC loss calculation method is carried out in the transient electromagnetic field and wide range of strain. The mathematical model of the critical current with effect of strain is built. Moreover, the critical current density based on strain is introduced for the calculation of hysteresis loss power. Taking into account strain effects, the characteristic parameters are obtained, and the calculation technology of CICC AC loss power is obtained. By comparative analysis of simulation, it is found that the AC loss power calculation of the conductor with strain model is close to the actual project value. For rapid excitation, in particular plasma discharge and burst, strain model and the traditional algorithm is consistent. From the calculation of AC loss power, it can be seen that the relative error is less than 15%.
Received: 08 October 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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